Job opportunity
Sunshine animation is looking for people with those characteristics: Pleasant, dynamic, ironic, funny, healthy, responsible.…
People looking for a great working experience, in a team and having a pleasant relation with all our guests.
Sunshine animation is recruiting:
Chiefs entertainers, cruise Directors, Choreographers, Set designers, Costumes designers, Dancers, Actors, Hostess, Steward, Guides, Receptionists, Representatives, Promoters, Group assistance, Contact entertainers, Polyvalent entertainers, Mini club entertainers, Junior club entertainers, Fitness instructor ( aerobic, gym, step, water-gym, dances, judo, karate, kick boxing..), Tournament organizers, Sport entertainers, Audio & lights technicians, Archery instructors, Tennis instructors, Canoe & Kayak instructors, Snorkeling instructors , lifeguards, bar-tenders, masseur-se, Puppeteers, marionettes players ,Clowns, magicians, jugglers, stilt walkers Mimes, voice mimes, ventriloquists, Face painters / body painters, Artists for arts and crafts, painters, Musicians, music bands, Athletes, trainers, referees, Photographers,
People with special talents and dexterities.
Fill in the application form or send us your curriculum vitae and photo to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Good to know: FAQ
1.How do I become a Sunshine employee ? To become an employee of Sunshine animation you might take part at our selection or recruitment session. After that, in case we accept your candidature, you will continue your forming period with us and consequentially you will get a working proposal.
2.Which is the procedure of employment? To get employed by Sunshine, you will need to present us: Identity card or passport, European health card, health's doctor certificate.
3.Which kind of contract/Agreement Sunshine propose? Most of our employees they receive proposal for determinate time Agreement, in case of short performances we also propose daily Agreements
4. How old might I be to become a Sunshine employee ? You must be minimum 18 years old.
5. How long does a working season last ? Normally a season with sunshine animation may last from 3 to 6 months.
6. Must I be available for all season long ? Not necessary. We ask normally availability for 3 months.
7. I am a student available only for 1 month, there is any chance to work for you ? Of course you can, but in such case we give the priority to the people with availability for 3 months.
8. How do I take part to the interview ? Very easy , just send your c.v. and a photo to recruitment This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or fill in( complete )the application form.
9. What happens once I have sent my c.v.? We check your candidature and if it fits to our needs you will be invited to attend our selection .
10.How will I be invited to the interview ? You will be invited by our selectors , through a telephone call or sending you an e-mail.
For this reason it is very important to include in your c.v. the telephone numbers and your
e-mail address.
Which result might my interview have? You may have 2 results.
Positive ( in this case you will have a working offer or an invitation to our working stage ).
Negative …