

Sunshine animation srl management is composed by professionals of each Sector : Accountants, Human resources, Web-Director, Marketing director and collaborators coming from all over Europe, these last are in charge to promote, develop and to organize programs, auditions, selections, recruitment sessions and events abroad.                                                                       


Managing Team

Valentino Berton (Administrator/Contracting Manager)                                                            

Graduated in foreign languages.                                                       

Advanced course in Management of tourism Enterprises.                          

Since 1996 involved in entertainment Tourism Business, Events and Shows organization.


Daniela Sigillo(Associate)                                                                                                                                                                             Marketing & Communication.

Doctoral in Management and Tourist economy.

Master in Communication and Service Management.

Intensive Course: Innovation Marketing Trends experiential, unconventional, Digital Marketing.       

Specialized Course: New Media Marketing and Communication.

Degree in classical dance ballet. Caribbean dance instructor.


Olga Nocerino and Assistant

Human resources dept.                                                                                                       

In charge of employees administration. 


Studio 'Corapi'

Accounting dept.


Others Collaborators:
Team Leaders, Entertainers, Dancers , Singers, Sport entertainers, Mini club entertainers, Set designer , dj’s , Choreographs , Archery instructors, hostess, Fitness instructors, Audio & lights technicians, Tennis instructors, Canoe & Kayak instructors, Puppeteers, marionette players ,Clowns, magicians, jugglers, stilt walkers Mimes, voice mimes, ventriloquists, Face painters / body painters, Artists for arts and crafts, painters, Musicians, music bands,  Athletes, trainers, referees, Photographers, steward, guides, representative. 

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